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Metalurgia en la América Antigua

Tema 4. Tecnología de los metales prehispánicos

Pre-hispanic sicán furnaces and metalworking: Toward a holistic understanding

Izumi Shimada, David J. Goldstein, Ursel Wagner et Anikó Bezúr


Over the past 25 years the Sicán Archaeological Project has labored to define both the technology and organization of Sicán metallurgy through application of a “holistic approach.” A major advance in this regard comes from 1999 and 2001 excavations at the 1000-year old Middle Sicán ceramic and metal workshop of Huaca Sialupe on the northern coast of Peru. Apart from ceramic kilns, our excavations revealed two clusters of updraft furnaces made from large inverted ceramic urns. Our replicative experiment showed that the furnace with charcoal fuel fanned only by wind generated a range of temperatures suitable for annealing to alloying of copper and gold. Spills, partial ingots, sheet metal scraps and other production debris indicate copper-arsenic alloy working. Neutron activation analysis of a charcoal sample from a furnace revealed an abnormally high concentration of gold, suggesting some gold alloy working as well. Our study included elucidation of the nature and management of critical fuels and other issues pertaining to the coexistence of two pyrotechnologies in the same workshop. Although both technologies heavily depended on local hardwood as their primary fuel, they also appear to have had a complementary relationship. Lastly, we consider how the urn furnaces and this workshop fit into the existing picture of regional metallurgical history and production. Our work demonstrates the importance of a “holistic” investigation focused at the production site and on the total production process and system against an in-depth understanding of regional context.

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Our knowledge and understanding of pre-Hispanic metallurgy on the north coast of Peru has notably improved since Lechtman’s pioneering survey of metallurgical sites (Lechtman 1976) and research issues (Lechtman 1979,1980). Indeed, a handful of smelting and/or metalworking sites and mines have been excavated, surveyed or reported over the past two decades or so (e.g., Bruce 1982 [Chotuna]; Chapdelaine et al. 2001 [Moche]; Epstein and Shimada 1984 [Cerro Huaringa and Cerro Sajino]; Hayashida 1995 [La Viña and Tambo Real]; Merkeletal. 1994 [Huaca del Pueblo Batán Grande, Cerro Huaringa, and Pampa del Tablazo; Shimada 1994a [various mines and metallurgical sites throughout the Lambayeque region]; Tschauner 2001 [Pampa de Burros]; see Figure 1 in Shimada 1994a:50 and Figure 4 in Merkel et al. 1994: 201). The fact that nearly all of them are situated in the Lambayeque region may reflect the convergence of various natural and cultural factors. These factors include the presence...

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