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Le « décorticage » du riz

Yoshio Abé

Documents historiques

III. Moyen-Orient. Afrique orientale. Égypte. Europe. Amérique

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Extrait du texte

DOC. I-95 a. En Iran (en Perse)

John Fryer

A New Account of East-India and Persia, 1698, p. 244

«Travels into Persia, Letter V»

[The utmost Bounds of the Provinces of Lhor and Gerom, to the City of Siras, the 22d of February 1676]

Where, and in our Passage, grew the Mountain-Poly which struck our Scent, till we descended a Fruitful Valley, abounding with Springs of Water, which gave Increase to many Furlongs loaded with Rice or Paddy, being courser than the Indian; from whence not only Persia, but all the World besides, must fetch the best and finest Rice.

DOC. I-95 b. En Iran (en Perse)

John Fryer

A New Account of East-India and Persia, 1912, t. II, p. 206

[Travels into Persia, Letter V]

[We Measure the utmost Bounds of the Provinces of Lhor and Gerom, to the City of Siras, the 22d of February 1676]

Where, and in our Passage, grew the Mountain-Poly, which struck our ...

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