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An Evaluation of the Diversity of the Film Market for Cinema and Video Recordings in France and in Europe

Florence Lévy-Hartmann


Jean-François Chaintreau

Texte intégral

1Cultural diversity is now a central aim of public cultural policies, particularly since adoption of the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, effective as of 18 March 2007 after its ratification by France and the European Union. Numerous cultural policy measures refer back to it, particularly within the cultural industries sectors. A largely political concern, there are nevertheless economic aspects of cultural diversity: it relates to important issues such as competition, industrial concentration, market power and economic efficiency, which are once again being brought to the fore in the present climate by economic globalisation and the effects of the digital revolution.

  • 1 See Tristan MATTELART, Enjeux intellectuels de la diversité culturelle. Éléments de déconstruction (...)

2Aware of the public policy issues raised by the question of diversity, the DEPS (Department for Studies, Strategic Foresight and Statistics) has for the last few years included the issue in its research programme1. In 2008 it launched a call for research proposals on "the assessment and processes of modifying diversity within the cultural industry”. Aiming to build upon all the results of socioeconomic analysis on the subject, the call for proposals invited researchers to address the issue of assessing the various aspects of cultural diversity (definitions and measures) and identifying the processes by which the diversity of cultural products supplied, distributed and consumed has changed.


1 See Tristan MATTELART, Enjeux intellectuels de la diversité culturelle. Éléments de déconstruction théorique, Paris, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, DEPS, coll. “Culture prospective”, 2009-2, July 2009. See also Hélène HATZFELD, Vincent BILLEREY, Repères pour un dialogue interculturel, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Secrétariat général (SCPCI/DREST), 2010, available online at: see Politiques ministérielles section.


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