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Between Past and Future

The Revolutions of 1989 and their Aftermath

"The list of contributors is impressive withnot a single dull chapter…; the editors are to be congratulated for making available such a stimulating and timely, if not timeless, collection"

- Slavic Review

"[T]his is a book that will serve many intellectual tastes and interests, and that will certainly prove thought provoking for anyone who reads it... I recommend it to anybody who wants to witness the analythical depth and span with which the meaning of 1989 can be approached." - E...

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  • Editor : Central European University Press
  • Colección : CEUP collection
  • Lugar de edición : Budapest
  • Año de edición : 2000
  • Publicación en OpenEdition Books : 23 janvier 2013
  • EAN (publicación papel) : 978-963-9116-71-9
  • EAN electrónico : 978-963-386-003-8
  • Número de páginas : 426 p.
Sorin Antohi y Vladimir Tismaneanu
Preface and Acknowledgements

V. Past, Present, Future

Timothy Garton Ash
21. Conclusions

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