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Sciences with the Science

Des sciences dans la Science

Übersetzt von Florence Razel Lang

In the current European environment where the main orientations of research are being redefined, it is fit to reconsider the general principles underlying the Social Sciences & Humanities and their place in Science and Society.

The need for a fruitful dialogue between sciences in order to cope with the major challenges of today’s world invites us to bring again to the fore the figure of ‘the engineer’ as largely open to humanities.

Beyond any specifically scientific consideration, ...

  • Verlag : Éditions A. Athéna
  • Buchreihe : Collection ATHENA
  • Erscheinungsort : Paris
  • Erscheinungsjahr : 2015
  • Auf OpenEdition Books veröffentlicht : 29 juillet 2015
  • EAN (elektronische Version) : 979-10-93170-11-4
  • DOI : 10.4000/books.allianceathena.225
  • Seitenzahl : 66 p.
Jacques Commaille


The SSH beyond their primary boundaries

Les SHS hors de leurs premières frontières

Societies, sciences & Social Sciences and Humanities

Sociétés, sciences et sciences humaines et sociales

What regime of knowledge to confront the worlds’ complexities?

Quel régime de connaissance face à la complexité des mondes ?

To what avail ?

Quelle utilité ?

Sciences with the Science. The obvious porosity

Des sciences avec les sciences. L’évidence d’une porosité



5 action principles for research in Europe

5 principes d’action pour la recherche en Europe

Steering Committee

Comité d’orientation



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